2021 / 2022
We need 400 individuals, schools, organsiations or groups, to each raise a min of £250 to help raise funds for our free Family Support Service.
You will receive a certificate and medal for your fundraising efforts!
To get involved, please contact Serita Boxall - Fundraising & Marketing Manager -
sboxall@kentautistic.com / 07725 955158
See below, some of our successful participants so far....
For further fundraising ideas, just visit: Fundraise For Us | Kent Autistic Trust
Sally Richards
Sally asked guests at her 60th birthday celebrations to contribute to donations instead of gifts and raised a huge £675.

NCS Margate
NCS Margate are a group of 16 / 17 year olds. They took part in a sponsored walk and run at Margate Football Club and raised a fantastic £317.

Kate Rowland
Kate Rowland of Past Sentence bookshop in Faversham, raised £340 from having a collection pot on her shop counter and encouraging donations.

Helen Bigsby
Helen Bigsby successfully completed the Virtual London Marathon in 7 hours and 24 minutes on 3rd October 2021 and has so far raised £462

Jo Blamires
Jo Blamires takes part in a National Office of Statistics Covid study, which means she is tested for Covid once a month. She receives £25 in shopping vouchers for each test and has pledged to donate the equivalent of 10 months vouchers £250 in December.

John Andersen
John Andersen held a quiz night on Wednesday, 13th October, 2021 and raised a fantastic £674.05.

Trinity Lodge 7021
Trinity Masonic Lodge 7021 Margate, have kindly donated £250 to support us, you can read more about their work here: Trinity Lodge 7021

Carl Page
On 19th September, Carl Page took part in the Tough Mudder Challenge. The Tough Mudder Challenge is the world's best team-based obstacle course and mud run. He has so far raised £1,235

Stephen Muxworthy
Stephen has recently taken part in our 250 / 400 Challenge and with the help of his support worker; Carol Bratton, raised a fantastic £470 for our Family Support service from a BBQ and games afternoon.

Claudia Goodman
Claudia Goodman has been raising funds by taking donations for prints of her son Matthew's art. Matthew was diagnosed with autism aged 3, he is now now 33 and loves to draw. Claudia has so far raised £1,010!

Oscar Barker
Oscar is a 7 years old and has complex Autism, his complexities include, Autism, ADHD, Dyspraxia, Extreme Anxiety, a mood and eating disorder with unpredictable behaviours that are out of his control. Oscar has memorised and named 40 Fish and Sealife as part of his challenge and has raised a total of £530!

Magenta Compliance Ltd
Magenta Compliance Ltd have donated £250 in the hope to encourage other companies to help support by donating or fundraising for the challenge. As Director, Bill Simpson has been running Magenta for over 40 years. Magenta work closely with clients across the UK, supporting their compliance, safety, training, maintenance and recruitment needs. www.magcom.co.uk

Wendy Pearson
Wendy Pearson, took on the challenge to walk and run 100km during November. She raised a total of £340

CCCU Athletics
CCCU Athletics are taking on the challenge of running, walking, cycling or jogging 1364 miles throughout the whole of January, this is 62 miles per member’ They have so far raised a fantastic £179!